Seems they added a new feature on our forums... I`ll have to play around with that when we get where we are going. Sounds like a great feature.
EzPortal has been added to all Forums Over 15+ EzBlocks to choose even has a
EzPortal is a portal system that we have been working on for a while and now is
ready for release on your forums. Allows a custom homepage, Ezblocks can have
custom permissions set and allows you to easily create your own custom forum.
Massive improvements over the old portal system and way more powerful.
Over 15+ EzBlocks including: Board News, ShoutBox, Recent Topics, Recent Posts,
User infobox, User Online, Poll ezBlock, SMF Gallery ezBlock, SMF Arcade
ezBlock, SMF Classifieds EzBlock, SMF Store EzBlock, SMF Links ezBlock, Recent
You can find this addition under Admin -> EzPortal section of your forum.
SMF For Free
I`ll have to check out Saffi`s forum, I`ll bet she has already started using hers.