I have done readings for over 20 years, they are not something to play with... one needs to know that if they are going to do other peoples' readings to not play with it!!! Some people take it too litterly and that is not good....
Basically I try to tell people without scaring them, but it is really hard to do, like anything else almost everyone can do this, but not everyone should....
Please think twice about doing readings on yourself or other people without thinking seriously about it!!!
Remember the power of suggestion also, and further, remember that the cards can mean different things to different people.... such as the death card, to me it means a change in life, not necessarily death, it could come as telling someone they may be changing their home or relationship issues, it could also be a health warning.... so much to learn before playing with the cards and doing readings on others.... not trying to scare you just warn you to take care okay!!!

I agree with all you posted on this. The power of suggestion is very strong... I was a little scared of some of the readings I did for myself. But they were pretty accurate.
Death card=Change... I also believe that.... Better than beliving otherwise. I believe it really depends on how the card falls, and in which order the layout ends up.